Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Yeah ok, I get it!

I hate it when people have to constantly point out one of your flaws. Yeah I know I have flaws, I know they are there, and I am dealing with them. But you pointing them out is just going to make me develop a complex about them.

I snore, loudly and constantly. Thankfully I have never heard my snoring before, until now that is.
My lovely loving caring boyfriend decided to record my snoring.
Ok so fair enough, he cant sleep if I fall asleep before him. So I stay awake until he is asleep before I go to sleep. I put in the effort so that he can get the sleep he needs and not be kept awake by my snoring.
This morning I waited until 3 am before letting myself sleep. He woke up early to make a phone call and then couldnt get back to sleep again. I was, of course, by this time, in full swing with my snoring.
I couldnt help it, I was tired and to make matters worse I am congested.
So after, I have no idea how many attempts, to wake me up, my boyfriend decides to record me snoring.
And today, with a large grin on his face, he makes me listen to the recording. He laughs the whole way through it, I sit stunned and mortified. He even goes as far as to play it twice. All the time looking at me and laughing.
Thanks babe, you made me feel real special today, hope I can do the same for you in the future.

So that's my inspiration for todays blog. Now I know I snore but him pointing it out like that is only gonna make me hate myself for it.

I will never understand why people have to tear each other down like that. I would never do that to him. I would never do that to anyone.
Everyone has flaws, we should learn to love them for it.
Not humiliate them as much as possible.

Thanks for listening,

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the human need to discuss inperfection to make yourself look better. There are discovered ways of preventing snoring, some more costly than others, so if he wants you to stop snoring, tell him to cough up for it.
    In the meantime, Im sure you can find a few of his inperfected flaws to have a go at.
