Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To be, or not to be?

Lately I have been feeling the need and want to reproduce very strongly, as if, written inside me somewhere is a script for when I have to reproduce. I think I am getting awfully close to that time.
I hear a lot of people talking about women's biological clocks ticking, and I wonder when I should start worrying about that. At the age of 21 it is probably a little too early for that. But still, there is that little thought at the back of my mind, "Do it before it's too late!"
So at the moment that's what keeps me up at night, my uterus. I have nightmares of being old and never knowing what it feels like to have a baby grow inside of you. (I have a feeling it would feel somewhat like really bad indigestion, but that's just a theory.)
The difficult part in all of this is, even though I know I alone could love and care for an infant. I don't want too.
I don't want to be a single mum, surviving on the dole, having no one but that child in my life.
I want the stability of a man, of the man of my dreams. I want to be secure, and loved. Most of all I want to be loved. But then again doesn't everyone desire love?
Isn't that what most of us are looking for?
But as I said, I am only 21, perhaps I dont know what I want at all.

~Miss Bree

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